What Are The Three Different Layers Of SEO? Explain In Detail

Search Engine Optimisation SEO is the most critical and emerging component of search engines. Optimisation is the basic need of the recent era for almost all digital businesses and products to reach more people and increase organic traffic. All technologies have divided their optimisation into different modules and processes to spread effectively. Similarly, there are three layers of SEO. At present, platforms across the web use their best techniques to convey their messages and broadcasts by using effective methods. 

Big search engines like Google, Bing, etc, have introduced their terms and techniques called SEO. Different search engines work on other principles by following their unique algorithms. According to the latest research, teams work out they have divided SEO, mostly called Google SEO, into three distinct layers. They have classified SEO into these layers depending on their:

  • Functionality.
  • Role of each layer in SEO.
  • Series of processes managed by each layer.
  • Role of each layer in Website ranking in SERP.

All these details are explained one by one in the corresponding sections. How does each layer operate? How are different layers interconnected? Which layers play the front-end role, which one plays the back-end role, and which layer connects the functionalities of all layers? Also, how are all these layers attached to the search engine? How to establish and manage this system efficiently. Let’s explain the whole system deeply.

What Are The Three Main Layers Of SEO?

Following are the three main layers of SEO that interconnect to manage and run the whole setup of a website across the search engine.

  • The front layer of SEO
  • The middle layer of SEO
  • The backend layer of SEO

The Front Layers Of SEO

The front layers of SEO are responsible for maintaining and managing the visual content of a website. The front layer of SEO is used to organise different data types in a well-arranged manner. Text us the basic unit of the front layer of SEO. We use images like thumbnails, graphs, charts, flowcharts, videos, and animations to support text to explain things better. The front end of a website consists of various components and sub-components used according to the situation. All these components are well-optimised to show a well-optimised front end. 

The Front Layers Of SEO

What is the front end? Some people may be confused about what the front is. The front end is nothing besides the visual representation of a website when you open it. The primary purpose of front-end optimisation is to make dynamic websites. Now, people use devices like PCs, Tablets, and Mobile Phones to interact with things digitally. If you provide an active front end that can switch according to the situation across the devices and gives end users an eye-catching front, your user experience will be good. The primary purpose of front optimisation is to make your website user-friendly by optimising your front-end components. To make the front end user-friendly, we optimise the following components of the front end of a website.

  • UI/UX.
  • Color Scheme.
  • Content Optimisation.
  • Titles & Headings Optimisation.
  • Images and videos are embedded.
  • Meta Data Optimisation.

The Middle Layers Of SEO

The middle layers of SEO play an important role as they interconnect the front end of a website to the back end to run the front-end components smoothly. The middle layer of SEO is applied in the interconnection of the front end to the back end, and it also interconnects the complete setup of a website to a search engine by optimising related components. The middle layer is also called the technical layer of the website. Why do we apply technical SEO as an intermediate layer on our website? The answer is that technical SEO is used for even minor components of the front-end or back-end of a website to make them responsible, user-friendly, search engine friendly, and work smoothly to decrease load time. Which provides the best user experience to attract organic and natural traffic. 

The Middle Layers Of SEO

Of all the layers of SEO, the middle layer plays a vital role. The central or technical layer of SEO interconnects the front and back end. It also plays a crucial role in interconnecting a website to a search engine. The middle layer bridges different website layers between websites and search engines. The middle layer is classified into the following components.

  • Internal Linking Relevancy.
  • External Linking Relevancy.
  • Mobile Friendly Interfaces.
  • URL/Permalinks Optimisation.

The Backend Layers Of SEO

The backend layers of SEO have the same value as the front-end value for end users and humans or robots. As an end, users open the front end and are eligible to view the front end to fulfil their needs, but they can only understand the front end. Similarly, search engines, i.e., Google crawlers and boats, can understand the backend of a website; they crawl the back end to check its efficiency and optimisation. If the backend is well-optimised, the crawler will index this piece of your back-end coding, which holds some corresponding content for ranking and will show in SERP’s results if it is well-optimised. The middle layers of SEO connect the front end to the back end of a website; similarly, the back end connects a website to another website on Google with the help of the intermediate layer or technical SEO. 

The Backend Layers Of SEO

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Different layers of SEO affect other website areas, as the front layer’s purpose is to arrange display data in a well-arranged manner. Similarly, the middle layer connects different channels or websites across the web to maintain a website and its ranking. The third and last layer helps all these layers to work smoothly.

Magnified Technologies provides comprehensive services to make these different layers work smoothly and make a website perform well, which helps in website ranking and search appearance.


What is the front layer of SEO?

The layer that holds and shows end users’ data and information is called the front layer of SEO. A well-optimised front layer of SEO increases the user experience and helps rank on SERP’s front pages.

What is the middle layer of SEO?

The layer of SEO interconnects the front end of a website to its back end and connects a website to another website on search engines. It plays an essential role in making the website run smoothly.

What is the backend layer of SEO?

The backend layer of SEO is used to interconnect a website to another relevant website with the help of the middle layers of SEO. Through this layer, we interconnect our website to other relevant websites. For this purpose, we use different terms: backlinking, inbound linking, outbound linking, and internal lining.

What is the difference between the front and back layers of SEO?

The main difference between the front and back layers of SEO is that the front-end layer of a website is visible to end users, while the back-end layer is visible to Google crawlers.

What is the website’s internal linking?

When we interconnect two websites by passing a link, whether do-follow or no-follow, this is called website internal lining, website interlinking is the same as internal linking, in which we connect different pages and posts of a website.
Website interlinking is also called backlinking, which may be do-follow or no-follow backlinks.


Three layers of SEO are interconnected to each other to make and maintain a website running smoothly. The front end is interconnected to the back end with the help of a model layer. The front end of a website is visible to end users, while the rear end is visible to search engine crawlers. The middle layer is the invisible bridge that applies different valuable techniques to maintain a website smoothly across millions of websites.

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